

I met MsParrish in a veterans chat room one evening last fall, no a couple years ago now. We talked on and off amongst the group of regulars there. Then one day I came across a poem I found very touching. Not one to keep such things to myself I shared it with a few of the members. MsParrish, to be come known to me as Bobbi Johnson, sent me an email thanking me for the poem and asking if she could send me some things she had written.

Now I would like to share some of her writings with you.


Just for a moment

Bullet headed toward Hell

I've heard it said

The Road to Understanding

The Devil's End

I don't know Braille

It Takes Much More

Dark Places

Do you see it?

Ghostly Trio

Noble Eagle

When A Veteran Cries


Veteran's Resource Page

Relax - Rooms